KidUnity Addresses Hunger
Students working as a team assembled 97 grab-and-go breakfast bags for the families at UBH. Thanks to everyone for bringing all the treats that went into the bags!
We then learned from UBH case managers about the challenges families face when they go hungry. We visited the UBH Food Pantry and asked a lot of questions about food insecurity. A precocious 6 year old resident of UBH joined us on the visit - and really helped put a face on homelessness.
We ended the session working on our article for the SM Mirror and reflecting on our visit through a video report.
Finally, we talked about hunger and poverty and the students accepted a challenge to take home and discuss with you: What would it be like to live for one day on only $2 for food (per person in the family) which is the amount that people in extreme poverty live on? We hope that a few students will be able to report back next session about their experiences taking this on for a day. Here's a link to more info about this challenge.
On the way back to Carlthorp, we asked each student to finish the following sentence: "Our visit to UBH today made me feel _____." Some of the answers included: "grateful," "appreciative," and "lucky".